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HomeMarijuanaDry January: Should You Take a Tolerance Break from Marijuana?

Dry January: Should You Take a Tolerance Break from Marijuana?

Although the legalities of marijuana for recreational or medical use is still up for debate, it’s no secret that it has helped a lot of people deal with medical problems or improve their self-esteem.

But using marijuana also has its own share of disadvantages. Some of which include the expenses of constantly buying the product, becoming dependent to it and derailing the path to one’s wellness.

This is why Dry January was born, an initiative that was started by Alcohol Change UK in 2012 to help in “ditching the hangover, saving money, and reducing one’s waistline.”

Since then, a lot of marijuana users have vowed to stay clean and hold off on using marijuana for the first 31 days of January.

But what exactly can you get from taking a tolerance break from marijuana?

  • You get to reset your cannabis tolerance. If you’re a regular marijuana user, you might notice that you’re becoming more tolerant to it over time.

It means that you’re not getting the effects that you’d like and that could result to frustration on your end. One of the best ways to address that problem is to take a tolerance break.

It will allow your body’s CB1 receptors to recover and reset your cannabis tolerance.

Although there’s no set timeline for taking a tolerance break, experts say that holding off for 2 weeks to a month will provide the best results.

  • You get to cut down on costs temporarily. Let’s face it; using marijuana products can be very expensive that if you’re so used to taking marijuana, it could easily hurt your budget.

By taking a tolerance break at the beginning of the year, you also get to give your pocket a break, so you can set yourself up for the year ahead.

Although temporary, this tolerance break will give a bit more legroom for your finances, so you can support your marijuana use for the rest of the year.

  • You get to re-evaluate your health goals. A lot of studies have proven that marijuana can offer several health benefits to those using it.

But if you’ve been using marijuana for a long time now, you might also be one of those who already forgot about achieving their health goals because there’s always the need to use marijuana.

That is why it’s essential to participate in Dry January, so you can re-evaluate your health goals and work on living a better lifestyle that includes using marijuana in moderation.

Dry January should be part of the cannabis community because it allows for that restart not only in the mind and body but also your finances and wellbeing.

So, if you’ve been an avid marijuana user for many years now, this is the perfect time to set yourself up for an amazing year ahead by holding off on using marijuana for 30 days.

It will definitely help you enjoy marijuana for a long time without sacrificing your health and wellbeing.



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